
Academic Solutions

Use simulations to Screen applicants for required skill sets before even calling for interviews.
Assess existing talent pool for required skill sets and gaps for further training inputs and assessing growth opportunities.
Provide on-going training of the required skill sets through off the shelf or custom built simulations, that can be as easy as sending an email.

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Let your students be immersed in a dynamic business environment un-hindered by power point and Case studies. The dynamism influenced by their own class mates pitting their skills against them, simulating a real world highly competitive Business Scenario. Nothing prepares the students for the actual business, better than actually running one.
Get Real-time feedback and business results, allowing them to learn from their mistakes and best practices.
Use Custom built micro simulations to deliver ongoing immersive learning experience for your students.

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Solutions We Provide

Academic Demo Product

Academic Demo Product

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